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WOT and oil drip questions

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  • WOT and oil drip questions

    I own two Yammies with two different issues.

    1) 90 hp 1995 two stroke won't exceed 4500 rpm. It is new to me and has a 13 1/4 X 17 prop, does not seem to matter how it's loaded, heavy or light, just peaks at 4500. Would the 15" prop be an answer? It's on a 17' Scout center console.

    2) 70 hp 1988 two stroke has small oil leak I can't find, the level in the reservoir drops a tiny bit and the oil runs down the lower unit leg, not bad but I'm curious as to where it could be coming from and is it repairable.

    As a side note, referring to #1 issue above, the 70 is on a 13' Whaler and has the above 17" prop pitch and cranks up to 5600 easily.

    Have to add, I'm on this site every day and enjoy it immensely!

  • #2
    on the 90 I would find a dealership with the correct test wheel and isolate engine from rigging.

    on the 70 carefully inspect the switch and the hoses, the switch especially if it only leaks when tilted up.


    • #3
      Thanks Rodbolt

      Was hoping you would see the thread and make time to reply with your dependable Yam wisdom.
      The 70 is garaged with engine down when not in use.
      The 90 could have old fuel, trying to run it out and test with new before new parts are added.
      Thanks as always!


      • #4
        Running a sick motor can be bad on the motor

        Bad fuel can be very bad on a motor.

        Find out what the problem is before it gets a lot worse by continuing to run it

