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1995 9.9 yamaha four stroke

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  • 1995 9.9 yamaha four stroke

    hi first post here ,help
    i have a 1995 9.9 four stroke high thrust outboard,
    it starts fine and runs fine for aslong as i want it to run 1-2hours, then after running for any time over 10 mins after i stop it it wont start back up again,if i leave it stand for around 30 mins to an hour it will start again and run fine then when i stop it it wont start again ,
    any help what anyone thinks this could be ?
    i am thinking the cdi unit
    my dad thinks the head gasket but the oil is still clean no sign of water in oil or on plugs,
    anyone help ,thanks jamie

  • #2
    Check to see if it is getting good spark when not firing up, that should tell you if the CDI or ignition system has a problem. Then it is a matter of compression, fuel mixture and timing that makes it run

