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88 excell skips

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  • 88 excell skips

    I have a 88 excell 225 that when I'm running every once in a while it will skip for a split second. It doesnt do it often maybe 3 or 4 times an hour. It only does it once your up and running on plane never at idle. Compression and spark are ok and I have wiggled all the wires and that doesnt affect it. I'm concerned b/c we take it in the ocean and I dont want it to completely quit while were out. I'm also using the correct grade fuel. Thanks Jason

  • #2
    Sounds like possible fuel contamination - if the fuel in the tank is more than six months old, I would completely drain - you are looking for water contamination at the bottom of the tank.
    Other than that, obvious things like fuel filter and spark plugs.
    Good luck,
    Ken K


    • #3
      sounds to me like you are looking spark momentarily, i would check your coil leads,wires, run it at night, the older the models, the more brittle the wires become.


      • #4
        Yeah thats what I'm thinking its loosing spark for just a split second. I'm going to put a timing light on the plug wires and run it untill it does the skip to try and narrow it down to one cyl or all 6. I wonder if my crank pos sensor could cause something like this. Jason


        • #5
          youre more patient than it at night and watch it....numerous times ive had to shrink wrap the coil leads, 17 yrs of motor heat will do it to the wires and your motor probably wont act up without being under load.

