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ox66 Stator Issue?

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  • ox66 Stator Issue?

    I have read older threads re ox 66 2.7l, where when an entire bank (starboard) of cylinders is losing spark, I understand, that it is most likely (99% of the time)the stator.
    I believe this is the problem with my 1999 200HP 0x66 EFI (sx200txrx).
    At higher rpm, most of the time does not exhibit the problem, but after *****ing rmp 1500 or so it will exhibit intermittent , or weak spark on the 1,3,&5 cylinders. It will also exhibit the problem at lower rpm after backing down from *****ing RPM to Idle RPM.

    I am confident it is the Stator, based on the searched threads I have read, I do have some questions and confirmations, please;

    Should this motor continue to run if I disconnect the Positive cable from the battery? Wht shoudl I expect to happen on this engine, if I disconnected the positive, while it was running, if it were not having any issues?

    I believe it is still charging the battery(tested battery), however the motor dies within 20-30 seconds of disconnecting the positibe battery terminal. Does this give us any clues?

    Also, does this engine have the CCS? where it runs on less than 6 cyl below 2000, 800, RPM? I ask becuase at Idle the spark is weaker on some cyl than others. If so which coils do not fire or produce weak fire, at the respective RPM?

    I also checked spark strenght with a tester at 1800 RPM, it will jump at least 1&1/4 inches with a tenacious snap on the Port Bank, on the Starboard bank at the same RPM it will jump about 3/4 to 1" on the starboard bank and the snap is not as loud.

    I have asked questions and provided information as to avoid a volley of back and forth and to TRY to avoid further questions, but would like to be sure before droping the significant coin on the Stator Coil.
    Much Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    The engine will not run if disconnect battery cables.
    Cylinders 2 and 5 may not fire at low rpm's, if you are getting a 3/4" spark gap then it should run on that cylinder. Check shift switch make sure it's working properly.
    Yamaha Outboard Parts


    • #3
      I don't believe this engine has a shift switch, dont see it on the engine or service manual. If it is supposed to have one where would it be located, please?

      I have checked all connectors, grounds etc.
      I do have a DVA adapter on the way, so I can check peak voltages.
      If I have a DVA would there be any need or call for a Winky Blinky Diagnostic tool?


      • #4
        Sorry about that no the 200 does not have shift switch. The Winky Blinky only shows some sensor faults, the DVA is the best to use.
        Yamaha Outboard Parts


        • #5
          Ok finally got the DVA adaptor & the time to test.
          Per the shop manual, battery fully charged. I checked the Voltage of the lead coming off the stator.
          Suposed to be 85-100V while cranking and 150V at 1500-3000RPM
          red & brown gave me 40V at cranking- way below spec
          Black/w red and Blue at cranking gave me 148V- way above spec

          Probably a bad stator?
          Just curious, why the overvoltage on the Black Red/Blue pair?
          Does the Red and Brown feed the starboard bank?
          Much Thanks in advance.

