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90ETLJ Shutting Down

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  • 90ETLJ Shutting Down

    I just got a 90ETLJ. I was told it was a 1985, but from everything I've read it's a 1986. It ran with muffs but wouldn't run at all in the water. Had the carbs rebuilt and took it out and it ran great for about 20 minutes, then shut off. After resting for about 45 minutes it ran great again, then shut off after about 5 minutes. The water pump wasn't throwing a strong stream and I'm sure this is an overheating problem. But, isn't the engine supposed to drop to 2000 RPMs when it overheats? It just shut off both times without dropping to lower RPMs. I haven't checked the buzzer, yet. I read in the Clymer's manual about "hot engine shutdown", but the manual doesn't give any more info than that. I'm going to replace the water pump. Just wanted to see if it may be more than that. Appreciate any help or advice.

  • #2
    sounds like you have a little work to do on it.
    you should do the pump kit,stat/s, prv.
    PROBably have to clean the catbs again and be sure to have a water seperator AND new motor filter prior to running.
    the shutdown is most likely a fuel issue.
    did it run FINE up hi then shudown ??
    if you DO have a seperator in place, dump it into a glass jar,etc and see what kind of junk is in the tank.


    • #3
      on a second read...WHEN your motor shuts down again, check for spark as it sounds like it could be an electrical issue also.


      • #4

        I have the same engine, just bit newer. Yes it should go into RPM reduction mode when about to over heat and the horn should sound off.

        If you run it again, and if shuts down touch the block if you can, (check with a few drops of water) if it is steaming hot, You are over heating...

        Last weekend I was out, ran mine a bit harder than normal to test a prop, got back to the dock, and checked oil level by removing cowl. Touched the block, and it was just warm to the touch, not hot...

        Also you CDI unit could be doing this. Could react oddly when it get warm, unusual though.

        BTW the water steam is not a sure way to know if water pump is weak. A weak or damaged impeller will still pump water.

        Good luck


