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1993 Pro-V 150 Oil leaking everywhere!!

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  • 1993 Pro-V 150 Oil leaking everywhere!!

    I bought this motor used a few years back from a marina. I have had exactly ZERO problems with it until today. I went to a spot on my lake to fish. Ran around a bit. On my way back to the launch I started it up and saw a CLOUD of white smoke. Shut it down and looked at the motor to see oil leaking from all over. Took the cowling off and saw oil leaking from the oil reservoir top. There was so much oil coming out of the top it pretty much filled the bottom of the motor. I ran in real quick to get off/out of the water. Cleaning it up I don't see anywhere else the oil is coming from. So the cap seems to be a little cracked as well. What could it be? Any ideas? Oil pump and or the cap? My model number is 150 TLRR year 1993. Thanks!!


  • #2
    If the sensor switch assembly (in the main engine mounted oil tank) were to go bad then it is possible the computer does not know to turn off the electric oil pump. In which case the oil tank would be over filled.

    How are you with using a multi-meter?


    • #3
      Never used one. That makes sense for sure. I'm gonna bring it in...probably time for a tune up anyway because I ***** a lot for salmon with it too miles out in lake Michigan. Better to be safe. I will post diagnosis.


      • #4

        ended up just being a clogged oil valve. it was apparently stuck wide open. they just had to clean it out and works great now. something so small can make such a mess!


        • #5
          sorry, but I do not see how a oil valve would cause the tank to overflow.

          Where is this oil valve they cleaned?


          • #6
            I am perplexed as to this " oil valve" ? Please do elaborate !

