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70 LRC Emergency run

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  • 70 LRC Emergency run

    My motor quit far from dock and while looking saw instructions on CDI to disconnect wire under module. there were two connections, one blue and one yellow. I broke the blue one and the motor fired up and returned to dock. When I tried to flush, motor again would not fire with either the blue or yellow connection broke. Question: which wire is supposed to be disconnected and what is actually done by doing this? I have ordered manual and will investigate once I receive it. I suspect I might have a broken wire in remote cable from tilting. Also on some other blogs they reference disconnecting something to disable all safety, is this option available on this model?

    Thanks in advance for any information provided.
    Donald M

  • #2
    Se page 5-8. I have no idea what the blue wire does.


    • #3
      The blue wire should be for the automatic choke system "prime start"

