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2007 F225 random overtemp alarm at low RPM

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  • 2007 F225 random overtemp alarm at low RPM

    At low RPM the arm will go off. I just had the water pump and both thermostats replaced. Alarm goes off sometimes and then won't go off for hours and then will start again. Shut off and restart and it stops. At one point it was going off every 2-3 minutes but the temps were all around 150-180. Could it be the poppet or possibly the temp sensor is bad? Fuel/water separator?

  • #2
    that's typically the sign of an ex stack failure.
    have a bore scope run up the ex for inspection.
    that motor has two temp switch's and one temp sensor.


    • #3
      oh joy joy i'm doing two today


      • #4
        takes me about 8 hrs to do a stack.
        easy money,just time.


        • #5
          If it were the stack it would be happening all the time? And, I thought that was only an issue pre-07?

          I've had the issue off and on for 4 years but sometimes it hasn't been a problem for an entire fishing season. Last year it went away after I replaced the fuel/water separator. It was fine after that until it started again this year. Ran great for hours and then started and then went away for hours. Previously, it went away after I put on a factory water pump.

          If it's not the stack what are the next options to check?


          • #6
            do as rodbolt says and scope 'em, we just junked two powerheads today as the corrosion had made it right into the powerheads


            • #7
              started out talking over heat then went to fuel filters????

              are you sure its an overtemp alarm???

              FIRST option is to determine WHAT is setting the alarm.
              a run with YDS hooked up may show what is triggering it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by rodbolt17 View Post
                started out talking over heat then went to fuel filters????

                are you sure its an overtemp alarm???

                FIRST option is to determine WHAT is setting the alarm.
                a run with YDS hooked up may show what is triggering it.

                UPDATE: It was the poppet valve.

