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2001 150 ox66 Alarm when key on, limp mode

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  • #76
    most water test, ramp is 1/4 mile or so from the shop.
    some we run up on the factory test wheel.
    I aint an anganeer but I have been repairing outboards and sterndrives for about 30 years.
    I also was a CIWS tech in the USN and I did 6 years setting up and programming CNC lathes and mills.

    yep that was my FIRST dealing with anganeers, they can barely draw it and had NO clue how to machine it with the tooling and machines in the shop.

    lots of education, no sense of HOW to actually do it.

    I DO boat. I have a few, just put my 21 seapro with an F150 overboard yesterday.

    I don't have a fleet.
    I do work on a lot of commercial fisherman stuff.

    I actually do this for a living and have since about 1993.

    I dunno where or why you thought YOUR engine dumped cylinders at various RPM's but your intel was faulty.
    I am thinking you have 2 issues with the motor and one with wherever else your getting information.
    lots of bad intel on the net.

