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Yamaha Oil Injection Leak - 2009 90 2 Stroke

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  • Yamaha Oil Injection Leak - 2009 90 2 Stroke

    I have a 2009 Yamaha 90 2-stroke that is leaking oil around the Oil Injection reservoir. Enought oil leak that it drips all the way to the foot of the engine. Looks like it around the area where the oil sensor is. Has anyone had this issue and any idea how to fix? Thank you!

    See picture.
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  • #2
    That issue has run across the forums before and best I can recall, the only repair was to replace the sensor. I read where people tried zip ties and all other types of claps to fix but it still leaked. The reason I remember this is because my tank also leaks. It does make for a mess, but that is like 3rd on my priority list for things to fix on my boat so I just keep it just under the cap level and carry my oil on the boat.
    I got a boat now "bout time" took me 50 years to do so


    • #3
      Thank you. The tie wrap seems to work for a temp fix until I can get the boat in for warranty work. Appreciate the help.


      • #4
        Four years ago I had a leak at the cap also, so I secured it with a zip tie. It's still working fine to this day.

