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4HP shift lever replacement

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  • 4HP shift lever replacement

    I am new to fixing Yamahas, but using the parts diagrams and lists I got down to where I should be able to remove a broken shift lever, but it won't budge. According to the parts list, there are two o-rings that look to keep it in place. I could remove one (closest to the handle) but the other is in there, and I can not drive the shaft either in further or out. I am afraid to tap or pry too hard for fear of breaking the casting. Does anybody know how to do this?

    Thanks, Jim

  • #2
    What is the model number of motor? What is part number or reference number on parts diagram of part you are replacing?
    Yamaha Outboard Parts


    • #3
      4hp shift lever replacement

      Sorry, the part number is 6E4-44111-71-EK for a 1990 4hp SD4. Jim


      • #4
        Answer to removing broken shift lever on Yamaha 4hp.

        Well, I finally figured out how to remove the broken shift lever shaft without breaking the casting that holds it. I needd a puller, so I cut a length of conduit whose diameter matched the casting where the shaft inserts. I then drilled a hole in the plastic shaft with a 1/4 inch drill almost to the end of the casting part. I then used a 5/16 tap to thread the hole, and sent up a piece of drill rod with double nuts (that I could lock to turn the drill rod) and screwed the drill rod about half way into the plastic shaft. After I put a washer over the piece of conduit that was slipped over the the drill rod, I adjusted the nuts and locked them on top of the washer.

        Then I heated the casting with a propane torch until it felt warm (not hot) to the touch, and started screwing the drill rod in the rest of the way. After a few tense moments, the broken shaft started to move, and when it was about halfway out, I pulled it the rest of the way out.

        The reason it was so hard to remove was corrosion around the end nearest the shift lever in the vicinity of the o-ring. The corrosion is probably what made the shifter so stiff, and caused it to break to begin with.

        Now I can order the parts, Jim

