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4 h.p. starting

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  • 4 h.p. starting

    I have two, 1 year old, 4 h.p. that I bought new. Both have the same starting issue:
    When cold the motors will usually start on the second pull if choked. If they are then shut down and then a restart is attempted anytime within about 6 hrs. you can forget about them starting if you even think about using the choke. The only way to then get them started is use no choke, open the throttle wide and pull your brains out. If you attempt to restart without the choke they start fine.
    I'm pretty sure the motors are flooding but I've never experienced this issue on any other outboards I've owned. These two are my first experience with Yamaha.
    Anyone know why these are flooding and what can be done about it? The dealer doesn't have an answer. And before someone says so I do know the problem is solved if you don't choke the motors when they are warm. That's great except when they are being operated by someone else who are not familiar with their starting issues.

  • #2
    I don't know of anything that could be done that would prevent it from flooding if use choke on a warm engine.
    Yamaha Outboard Parts

