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2 stroke 90 yamaha crankshaft oil/grease

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  • 2 stroke 90 yamaha crankshaft oil/grease

    how does this part of the motor stay lubricated?
    I had a hole in my exhaust plate allowing water into my bottom cylindar and had it fixed. The tech told me over the phone that there should not be any damage due to the leak unless water made it into the head and rusted a bearing. I wanted to have him explain the possability face to face but when I picked up the boat he was gone home.
    what's the possability of water getting into this area and how's it lubricated?

  • #2
    In a 2 stroke motor the air/fuel/oil mixture passes through the crankcase area on the way to the cylinder/compression area, and that little bit of oil that's mixed with the fuel is what lubricates and protects all those shiny roller bearings, crankshaft and rod bearing surfaces. That oil is sufficient for lubrication, but barely enough to prevent corrosion if water or moisture enters the crank area. That's why we "fog" the motors at the end of the season to put a layer of oil on the internal parts. The premix motors have an advantage over the oil injected motors from a oil corrosion protection stand-point, since the oil injected motors run such a lean oil/fuel ratio, particularly right before motor shut-down/low RPM's, whereas the premix motors have a set ratio which is fairly oil/fuel rich at lower RPM's. Good Luck!


    • #3
      Thanks Robert, how is it you joined this forum befor Al Gore invented the internet?

