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Yamaha ETLF-70

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  • Yamaha ETLF-70

    First off, Im relatively new to mechanic work, especially working on boat engines... so I'd like to go ahead and say thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to help me out. I have a 1989 Yamaha ETLF-70 that I've been working on/learning on here and there for a couple of years now. A few months ago I had some serious work done on it because the engine got hot and the head gasket blew. As a result of the overheating, the mechanic said that the crankcase assembly had also gotten a small crack in it and that it was spraying water. My first thought was that if water is coming from the crankcase then it must mean that the head is cracked. However he explained to me that water runs through the water jacket and circulates around the crankcase assembly to keep it cool. He said it wasn't a cracked head and he ended up welding it up for me. He also put some "marinetech?" on it to try to hold it b/c he was unsure about his welding job as he said the metal was very thin and hard to weld. I was skeptical at first, but the engine has been fine for a few months now. However, Ive been running it easy and keeping a close eye on it, and Ive now noticed that it has began to sputter water again at this "weak" point. It still seems to be running fine but I fear that eventually this will cause further problems if the engine isn't able to cool properly. first question is does this mechanic sound like he knew what he was talking about? I don't doubt him at all, because like I has been running fine. And like I said before, I am FAR from being a mechanic. I'd just like to hear what others have to say. Secondly, does anyone have any suggestions for how to further seal up this crack, or should I just take it to someone who may be able to do a better welding job? I looked into replacing the crankcase assembly but obviously that's way over my head and super costly. If anyone finds this confusing Id be glad to take a pic of the engine and put it up tomorrow. Again, thanks so much for your help! -Wes

  • #2
    It's hard to say without being able to see it(post a pic if you can). You might try some "J-B Weld" instead of "Marine Tex" to see if holds up better.
    Yamaha Outboard Parts

